Slow Dough Pizza Recipe
4-5 pizzas
500g pizza flour/00
330ml filtered water
4g dry yeast
5golive oil
15g salt
1 tablespoon of honey

Pizza dough after 7 days
I remember working in a little Italian restaurant in the Greek Islands called Ios and they had the best pizza on earth there. The father had been making it for over 30 years and wouldn't even let me make it as he was so particular. So I would come in early and make a pizza for myself almost every day to practise the art of opening pizza doughs. There are a few things to making pizza dough great which I will explain below.
1. Mix all ingredients except salt in kitchen aid on low. Add salt after 10mins then mix on medium till it becomes a smooth ball. Place in well-oiled bowl or container and place in fridge overnight.
2. The next morning bring out of fridge and let rest for an hour or so before making into 220g balls. Place balls on oiled tray and put straight back into the fridge covered with a wet tea towel for 1-7 days. The longer you leave it the better the flavour but the harder to open it up.
3. When you want to use the dough, preheat the oven to a really high temperature. Around 250-300C with no fan. Bring the dough out of the fridge and open with your hands from the middle outwards on a well-floured bench. Then place on a tray or straight onto a pizza stone loaded with sauce and choice of toppings.
Chefs Notes :
Opening a pizza dough by hand is the best way. It gives you a proper crust rather than flattening it out with a rolling pin. There could be a few tutorials on the internet to get the hang of it.