25 servings
1kg large oats
100g coconut oil or any neutral flavoured oil
100g maple syrup or honey
pinch of salt
100g - 300g of any nuts, dried fruit and whatever you prefer in your granola

Sultana Granola
The smell that granola makes when cooking, is something special and it will lure all the crew into the galley. This is a basic recipe I use when making several varieties leading up to a charter. It's endless to the different variations you can create. Fruit and nut, adding flavoured powders, grains, seeds, cocoa, choc chips, coconut and the list goes on.
1. Preheat oven to 150C.
Toss oats only in oil and add a pinch of salt.
2. Toss oats only in oil and add a pinch of salt. Every 10 mins mix oats to toast evenly.
3. When golden brown add in nuts if you wish and toast for 10.mins longer.
4. Pull from oven when nuts are toasted and toss through your sweetener, any dried fruit and let it sit till cool.
5. When cooled break into small and large pieces.
Chefs Notes :
You may need more oil. Also sweetener to your liking. Just add till every oat looks nicely coated. Best to keep your granola in the freezer in an airtight container for maximum freshness.